Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Getting Physical

Grace had an appointment today with her pediatrician for a physical. An after her traumatic experience yesterday, she was pretty upset that I brought her there. She cried every time someone in scrubs looked in her direction. The only time I had to let her go was to be weighted and again she screamed like she was on fire. She even tried throwing herself off the scale in my direction. I'm really hoping they let me stay with her until she's sleeping before her surgery, but I don't think they will. They didn't last time. I just feel so bad, because she's older now and more aware that they're taking her away from mommy and daddy. Poor baby just wants to feel better. Everything went well for the most part, but her doctor did confirm our suspicion that she has a little eczema. I don't think it's anything the right concoction of soap and lotion can't handle. We did gets some drops for her ears, which will hopefully help her get through the next couple days. Grace was in a lot of pain early this morning and from what her teacher said most of the day. We just keep promising her it'll all be better soon.

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