This kid is changing every day. She’s hilarious and her personality is coming through more all the time. She’s recently had a lot of firsts. I think her favorite thing is to throw everything she can get her hands on, on the floor, just to see how long it’ll take for the big folk to give it back to her. “Anything she can get her hands on,” seems to be growing as well. I have a feeling crawling will be right around the corner, since everything she sees, she wants. She will even try to dive out our arms for almost any object, especially cell phones, remotes, or her favorite, the camera. Another new thing is crossing her feet. It’s very important to her that she acts like a lady, much to the delight of Daddy. She’ll be playing in her exersaucer, sitting in her car seat, lying down with her bottle, and sometimes even when she’s sitting up those precious little feet have to be crossed.
Another new trick she just caught onto is sticking out her tongue, which Daddy tirelessly taught her. One day she decided, this is the day I shall stick out my tongue, and now it doesn’t seem to want to stay in her mouth. But luckily she’s very good about keeping it under control while she’s eating.
Grace also went for a shopping outing with Mommy and Ms. Natalie. Later we met Mr. Michael and Daddy for lunch, where Grace sat in her very first restaurant highchair, which Mommy disinfected immediately. She’s such a big girl and I’m such a freak. Just as a side, Mike and Natalie will be having their first baby in January. A healthy beautiful little girl named Chloe. Congratulations!
Another big first is church. Grace has never been to church before and went for the first time today. She was very good! We are in the process of trying to have her baptized, since we’ve really been slacking in this department, but we’ll get there.
She's getting bigger and more beautiful every day! You make a beautiful family...and, yes, one day she will want to kill you for the flower headbands, but it will be sooo worth it because she is so darn cute in them!!!
i love all these pictures! she is so stinkin cute! i have been stealing some of them ;)
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