Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Great Fire of ‘08

I guess I should start at the beginning. My parents finally made it back to Louisiana, and we decided to pay them a visit their first week in their new house. We had some items we were not using so we packed it up in one of Jared’s trucks. So Friday night, with him driving the truck, and me driving all the kiddies, we headed to see my parents. We arrived pretty late, around 12:30. We unpacked the car, but left unpacking the truck for Saturday morning. We sat around and talked, I cleaned some bottles, Jared and I took the boys out, and we went to bed around 1:30am. While we were outside with the dogs everything seemed fine, but it just wasn’t so.
I woke up to sound of the dogs running around on the hardwood floor, and I quickly invited them to join us in the bed, I was tired and just wanted to sleep. Not even a minute later Grace started waking up, so I knew I had to get up. When I did, I realized Oakley was sitting up in the bed, and he looked scared. I didn’t think anything of it, because I figured he just had to go to the bathroom. So I asked Jared to get up and help since all our kids were ready to start their day. He asked if my dad gave me the alarm code, and I didn’t, but I went out into the living room to see if maybe he was awake yet. I didn’t want to wake everyone up by setting off the alarm. HA!! All the lights were off, but I went into the kitchen and I noticed a light from the other side of the blinds. I walked over and looked out. This is what I saw.

I just stood there for a minute frozen in place. I just couldn’t grasp what I was looking at, and listening to the crackling. Then very quietly I whispered, “Fire.” And that’s when it hit me, the truck is on fire! I started screaming, “FIRE, FIRE, THE TRUCK IS ON FIRE, GET UP, GET UP NOW!” Everyone started running. They all ran to the window and looked out. I’m not really sure what I was doing for those few seconds after, but I know I grabbed Grace, gave her to my mom, Jared called 911, my dad got the hose, I grabbed the camera (I guess I felt better, if I can document), and we (me, Jared, and my dad) all ran outside. I got three pictures off before some pretty bad popping started. That’s when we all ran back inside, grabbed what we needed, and ran out to the street. It seemed like forever until the fire trucks got there.
When it was all over, the following pictures are what was left to the truck. We spoke with he police and the fire department and everyone was convinced it was an electical issue.

Watching how fast it burned, I really think it hadn't been going on long before I woke up. We were all very lucky considering. My poor parents haven't even been in their house a week, and I'm so greatful it didn't burn down. The house was fine and so were we. The poor concrete is a different story.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Growing and Growing...

This kid is changing every day. She’s hilarious and her personality is coming through more all the time. She’s recently had a lot of firsts. I think her favorite thing is to throw everything she can get her hands on, on the floor, just to see how long it’ll take for the big folk to give it back to her. “Anything she can get her hands on,” seems to be growing as well. I have a feeling crawling will be right around the corner, since everything she sees, she wants. She will even try to dive out our arms for almost any object, especially cell phones, remotes, or her favorite, the camera. Another new thing is crossing her feet. It’s very important to her that she acts like a lady, much to the delight of Daddy. She’ll be playing in her exersaucer, sitting in her car seat, lying down with her bottle, and sometimes even when she’s sitting up those precious little feet have to be crossed.

Another new trick she just caught onto is sticking out her tongue, which Daddy tirelessly taught her. One day she decided, this is the day I shall stick out my tongue, and now it doesn’t seem to want to stay in her mouth. But luckily she’s very good about keeping it under control while she’s eating.

Grace also went for a shopping outing with Mommy and Ms. Natalie. Later we met Mr. Michael and Daddy for lunch, where Grace sat in her very first restaurant highchair, which Mommy disinfected immediately. She’s such a big girl and I’m such a freak. Just as a side, Mike and Natalie will be having their first baby in January. A healthy beautiful little girl named Chloe. Congratulations!
Another big first is church. Grace has never been to church before and went for the first time today. She was very good! We are in the process of trying to have her baptized, since we’ve really been slacking in this department, but we’ll get there.

Happy Birthday Oakley

Of course I made him a cake, why wouldn’t I? Am I the best doggy Mama or what? So I’m a little late blogging about it, so what. Our oldest baby turned 4. He’s such a big boy! Oakley holds a very special place in my heart. We’ve been through a lot together. Jared swore to me that once we had a backyard I could have a puppy, so on my birthday we went down to the shelter and there he was. I was in love. He is every bit a mama’s boy, but seems to forget that when I want him to do something he doesn’t want to do. We’ve been through kennel cough, worms, skin issues, sensitive stomach issues, a tumor, and two separate knee surgeries. It’s been an interesting 4 years, but I’d never trade him. He’s a good boy and we all love him like crazy. Happy Birthday Oak, I love you.

Best Pals

We have recently noticed Grace seems to have a reaction when the dogs lick her in the face, similar to how I react to cats. Well, I’m allergic to cats, and no we’re not getting rid of the dogs. If I’m in a room with cat dander, first comes sneezing, then itching, then swelling, and if I don’t leave, breathing issues. Thank God, Grace seems to have a different issue. She seems to be fine with the dog hair, but it’s the saliva that bothers her. It’s a good thing too, because she loves them so much. When they lick her, which she encourages, she’ll get red bumps on her face that will swell. Hopefully she'll grow out of it but it's an easy fix; no licking the baby in the face. They occasionally catch her on the hand, which doesn’t seem to be a problem so far. She loves her furry brothers and loves to pet them. She’s very sweet too. She’ll pet their backs softly and open handed, but the other day she did try to take some of Itchy’s crazy ear hair as a parting gift. We love all our kids, and they love each other too!

They're not coming back

For quite some time now, we’ve had a little frog living in our backyard against the house. He and Oakley became fast friends. Well, it was sort of a one sided friendship, with Oakley chasing Herman all over the yard. Yes, his name is Herman!

After the hurricane, Herman decided it was his time to find a new home, which left us all terribly sad. Oakley grieved for his friend, but soon there were new habitants. The boys quickly found something new to obsess over. Just after Herman’s departure a little gray haired rabbit, that the boys had chased through the yard several times before, decided underneath our back fence was the best place to have her 3 baby bunnies. Our furry kids went nuts!

They were only with us for a few weeks before they fled, but Oakley and Itchy, especially Oakley, made sure to check on them every time they went outside. They bunnies left this weekend, probably in fear, and we had to sit Oak down and explain to him that his new friends were gone. It’s just so sad to see him sit outside and watch for their return.